By Yvonne Gerster
23. October 2024

Project number: 7.704.40001

Co-operation partners involved:

Testing mobile network coverage

The project aims to gain a more accurate picture of the mobile network coverage within the AIRlabs test area LOR 11 Frauschereck. The project was successfully completed and provided numerous learning opportunities for all parties involved. Additionally, the created visualization of the network coverage supports AIRlabs in communication with customers and assists the cooperation partner Dimetor in optimizing its model.

Network coverage in test flight areas: Optimisation through drone flights and partner technologies

The AIRlabs test flight areas offer many innovative companies the opportunity to con-duct tests in regions that are far from residential areas. The test flights were carried out in activated airspace with an operational approval in the SPECIFIC category.

For AIRlabs, understanding network coverage in their test areas is of utmost im-portance to provide reliable data to future customers.

Currently, relatively detailed data on network coverage is available in cities and along major transportation routes. However, in the air, coverage can vary significantly from that on the ground. In particular, larger differences can occur in forested areas outside of cities. Additionally, the received signal quality varies greatly depending on flight alti-tude. This is due to shielding and interference.

The cooperation partner Dimetor provides the mobile measurement device and the measurement program for the surveys. The goal of the project for Dimetor is to opti-mize their static model (based on terrestrial antennas) with data from drone flights.

A1 is a partner of both AIRlabs and Dimetor and provided the static data from A1 to supplement the algorithm with additional data.

Project Implementation

The project was divided into three phases:

1. Planning: In order to collect as much data as possible in a short amount of time, the flight had to be carefully planned. Preparations were made in case network coverage in the area did not allow for an internet connection. Therefore, the flight plan was created in ad-vance. The drone’s software offers the ability to use an offline map at a basic level. This was also downloaded so that the mission could be modified on-site if necessary.

The planning primarily considered the three takeoff and landing locations. The flight altitude was set at approximately 200 meters to ensure a sufficiently safe altitude while flying in BVLOS mode.

2. Test Flights: The flight was conducted under the AIRlabs operating permit in the LOR 11 test area. An RPIC (Remote Pilot in Command) and a VO (Visual Observer) were present. The pilot’s task was to control the drone, start the software on the mobile device, and revise or modify the mission if necessary. The VO’s task was to maintain radio contact with any potentially intruding aircraft in the airspace, continuously charge the batteries, and constantly monitor the surroundings. Both individuals supported each other with vari-ous information, particularly during the BVLOS flights.

At each takeoff and landing site, two types of missions were carried out. The first was a manual vertical flight, where the drone continuously ascended and descended above the takeoff and landing site.

The measurement device continuously collected data, aiming to gather as much data as possible, alternating between the A1 and Drei SIM cards. This was followed by one or more pre-programmed BVLOS missions around the take-off and landing sites, with defined grid patterns.

3. Evaluation: The evaluation shows that the higher the flight altitude, the better the signal quality. (Further details can be found in the attached final technical report)

Conclusion and Outlook

In the future, more flights are planned in the area to collect additional real data and further improve the model. Another important goal for AIRlabs is to conduct such meas-urements in the other test areas as well.

The project also resulted in an internal AIRlabs “Lessons Learned” document for BVLOS flights.

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