AIRlabs enters the operational phase!
By airlabs
26. July 2020
For two years now, our strong consortium consisting of 25 organisations from Austrian industry and research has been working together to realise the vision of “AIRlabs Austria”. Das Ziel ist die Kombination existenter und Schaffung neuer Testinfrastrukturen für unbemannte Luftfahrtsysteme. After successfully applying as a BMK innovation laboratory within the framework of the BMK-funded RTI aeronautics programme “TAKE OFF”, AIRlabs Austria GmbH started operations at the beginning of 2020. Nun gilt es, die vielen spannenden Projektideen des Konsortiums umzusetzen.
Just in time for the official launch, we visited Styrian State Councillor MMag.a Barbara Eibinger-Miedl, who was already actively involved in the project during the application phase. Together with the management of FH JOANNEUM, we spoke about Styria’s pioneering role as an innovation driver for autonomous flying. We are very pleased about the support of the state.