23 Nov 2020: Business Treff “Using Drones Successfully”
By airlabs
1. October 2020
The Business Meeting “Using Drones Successfully” is organised by the Vienna Business Agency in cooperation with Austro Control, AAIG, PWC and the BMK Innovation Lab AIRlabs Austria. The topic is framework conditions, use cases and new opportunities for the commercial use of unmanned aerial systems.
In addition to the presentation of AIRlabs Austria, contributions on the new EU Drone Regulation, legal aspects and the use of Austrian drones in Europe will be presented.
The event offers an insight for companies and research institutions that see potential in drone applications for themselves, as well as an exchange with experts.
When? 23 November 2020, 08:30- 14:00 hrs
Registration possible until: 19 November 2020
Due to COVID-19, this event will take place online and will be streamed live from the APA studio. Further information and registration (hier)