By airlabs
6. December 2021

„DRONE RISK AUSTRIA – A multidisciplinary approach to support risk assessment of UAS missions in Austria“ ist ein auf Grundlage der aktuellen vereinheitlichten europäischen Drohnenflugregularien basierender Webportalprototyp zur Unterstützung einer sicheren Drohnenflugplanung in ganz Österreich. A consortium consisting of the SIENA research group (uppe SIENA (Spatial Informatics for ENvironmental Applications) at the Carinthian University of Applied Sciences and experts from UBIMET GmbH, together with the third-party expertise of Austro Control (ACGI), FREQENTIS AG and A1 TELEKOM, has designed relevant use cases for the geodata-based risk assessment of drone flights in Austria on the basis of a comprehensive requirements analysis and successfully implemented them for the newly defined categories “OPEN” and “SPECIFIC” within the framework of the new EU-wide drone regulations.

This demonstration project is now being made available to the drone community and interested users in Austria together with AIRlabs, freely accessible without guarantee.

“Drone Risk Austria” was funded within the framework of the RTI programme “Take Off” of the Federal Ministry for Climate Protection, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology. The Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG) was responsible for project monitoring and funding.

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