

We at AIRlabs Austria are proud to have successfully conducted the first drone flights at LOGG Punitz Airfield with the support of Austro Control Dronespace after extensive preparations over the past months. These missions not only mark a milestone for us in our collaboration with Punitz Airfield as another AIRlabs drone test area, but also […]

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03.07.2024 15:07

AIRlabs Future Conference 2024

„Bringing Drone High-Tech Down to the Ground – Innovating for Environmental, Agricultural, and Forestry Advancements“When: 13.06. – 14.06.2024Where: Genusshotel Riegersburg Dear members of the UAS community, We’re thrilled to extend a cordial invitation to the upcoming 5th AIRlabs Future Conference—an exciting convergence of minds shaping the future of unmanned aerial systems in agriculture and forestry. Among […]

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Events, News
30.04.2024 11:04

Drones revolutionize fawn rescue and help farmers

Drones open up a fascinating range of applications in various industries, and one of their most notable uses is for saving fawns in agriculture. The combination of cutting-edge technology and a wildlife-friendly approach brings numerous benefits to both nature and farmers. The use of drones in fawn rescue allows for a more efficient and animal-friendly […]

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27.07.2023 14:07

Introducing the Robin Radar ELVIRA® System: AIRlabs successfully tested the ELVIRA® Radar in alpine environment!

AIRlabs is pleased to introduce our latest infrastructure and collaboration with Robin Radar Systems in the field of drone research and development: The high-performance, variable-role, battery-powered Robin Radar System ELVIRA®. This state-of-the-art technology is designed to provide a unique level of risk mitigation and serve as an additional safety net during drone operations.This is an […]

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27.07.2023 09:07

AIRlabs at the most important AIR SHOW in Paris

Last week the International Paris Air Show took place, which is the largest and one of the most important air shows in the world beside the Farnborough International Air Show, and we had the opportunity to be there. The exhibition showcased innovative technologies from the aerospace industry, including the latest developments of unmanned aerial vehicles. […]

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Events, News
30.06.2023 10:06

Airlabs invited to the forestry training centre

On Wednesday, 19 April, AIRlabs was a guest at a seminar held by the Pichl Forestry Training Centre in St. Barbara im Mürztal. The event was titled “Flying helpers – possible applications of drones in the forest” and essentially covered the use of drones and related equipment in forestry. Among other things, the following exciting […]

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Events, News
28.04.2023 11:04

AIRlabs guest presentation at Green Tech Valley Cluster event

AIRlabs was invited by the Green Tech Valley Cluster on 29 March to give a guest presentation on the diverse applications of drone technology in the fields of green tech, energy and environment. The cluster, which represents the interests of 300 green partners from the fields of energy and environmental technology, organises the Green Tech […]

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Events, News
07.04.2023 11:04


As part of a “drone workshop” (Click for more information) jointly organised by A1, DIH Süd and AIRlabs , which was dedicated to the topic of possible applications of drones for companies, around 50 companies and interested parties gathered on 22 November to exchange information on various related topics and to work together on future […]

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Events, News
12.12.2022 10:12


AIRlabs Austria achieved a major and important step for innovation in Austria and beyond with the restricted airspace LO R 9 “Steinalpl”. We are therefore very pleased to be able to present this milestone to the public. AIRlabs Austria would like to thank all sponsors, stakeholders and partners for the excellent cooperation during the realisation. […]

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Events, News
22.11.2022 15:11


The third AIRlabs Future Conference took place in Klagenfurt at Lake Wörth from 10. to 11. November 2022 under the motto “Unlimited take-off!”. There were no limits to the topics of the presentations either, and so a broad range of topics was covered by AIRlabs, from the current legal situation of drones, to avalanche blasting […]

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Events, News
22.11.2022 13:11


AIRlabs Future Conference 2024

„Bringing Drone High-Tech Down to the Ground – Innovating for Environmental, Agricultural, and Forestry Advancements“When: 13.06. – 14.06.2024Where: Genusshotel Riegersburg Dear members of the UAS community, We’re thrilled to extend a cordial invitation to the upcoming 5th AIRlabs Future Conference—an exciting convergence of minds shaping the future of unmanned aerial systems in agriculture and forestry. Among […]

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Events, News
30.04.2024 11:04

AIRlabs at the most important AIR SHOW in Paris

Last week the International Paris Air Show took place, which is the largest and one of the most important air shows in the world beside the Farnborough International Air Show, and we had the opportunity to be there. The exhibition showcased innovative technologies from the aerospace industry, including the latest developments of unmanned aerial vehicles. […]

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Events, News
30.06.2023 10:06

Airlabs invited to the forestry training centre

On Wednesday, 19 April, AIRlabs was a guest at a seminar held by the Pichl Forestry Training Centre in St. Barbara im Mürztal. The event was titled “Flying helpers – possible applications of drones in the forest” and essentially covered the use of drones and related equipment in forestry. Among other things, the following exciting […]

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Events, News
28.04.2023 11:04

AIRlabs guest presentation at Green Tech Valley Cluster event

AIRlabs was invited by the Green Tech Valley Cluster on 29 March to give a guest presentation on the diverse applications of drone technology in the fields of green tech, energy and environment. The cluster, which represents the interests of 300 green partners from the fields of energy and environmental technology, organises the Green Tech […]

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Events, News
07.04.2023 11:04


As part of a “drone workshop” (Click for more information) jointly organised by A1, DIH Süd and AIRlabs , which was dedicated to the topic of possible applications of drones for companies, around 50 companies and interested parties gathered on 22 November to exchange information on various related topics and to work together on future […]

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Events, News
12.12.2022 10:12


AIRlabs Austria achieved a major and important step for innovation in Austria and beyond with the restricted airspace LO R 9 “Steinalpl”. We are therefore very pleased to be able to present this milestone to the public. AIRlabs Austria would like to thank all sponsors, stakeholders and partners for the excellent cooperation during the realisation. […]

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Events, News
22.11.2022 15:11


The third AIRlabs Future Conference took place in Klagenfurt at Lake Wörth from 10. to 11. November 2022 under the motto “Unlimited take-off!”. There were no limits to the topics of the presentations either, and so a broad range of topics was covered by AIRlabs, from the current legal situation of drones, to avalanche blasting […]

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Events, News
22.11.2022 13:11

22.11.2022: Workshop on the subject “POSSIBLE USE CASES OF DRONES FOR COMPANIES”

On the 22nd of November 2022, a drone workshop will be held at the Lakeside Science & Technology Park on the topic of possible uses of drones for companies – by means of mobile radio the drones come closer to you. In the course of this event, the Technical-Scientific Director of AIRlabs Austria – Dr. […]

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20.10.2022 10:10

AIRlabs Austria 7th Partner Conference

We had the pleasure to host our 7th Partner Conference at FACC AG in Ried im Innkreis on 25.05.2022 25. May 2022, Reichersberg A successful event starts for AIRlabs Austria with exciting insights into the world of drones. Interested participants of our partner meeting therefore followed the invitation to Reichersberg (Upper Austria) to one of […]

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Events, News
03.06.2022 16:06

27-28 Oct 2021: AIRlabs Future Conference

Dear AIRlabs partners and supporters, We would now like to send you the provisional agenda and some further information for our 2nd AIRlabs Future Conference on 27 and 28 October: Timeline – Agenda Future Conference AIRlabs Austria 2021 Wednesday, 27.10.2021: 14:00Eröffnung / Begrüßung (Solar.One, Bürgermeister, ÖAMTC)14:15Vorstellung AIRlabs Austria Team14:30Grußwort des BMK14:35Einführung in den Nachmittag und […]

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18.10.2021 14:10

Job Openings

Research Results

„Optimisation multi-user measurements RTA/All-Weather-Drone“ 

Technical project report „Optimisation multi-user measurements RTA/All-Weather-Drone“ – Experimental tests under critical weather conditions are an essential part of the development and certification of aircraft. This also includes unmanned aerial vehicles such as multirotor systems, fixed-wing drones or VTOL UAVs. However, this type of testing is often associated with significant costs and time expenditure. It is therefore important to design experimental tests in a particularly efficient way in order to minimise costs for developers and/or operators […]

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Research Results, Research Results
22.07.2024 10:07

„A1 Red Cross POC“ 

Technical project report: “A1 Red Cross POC” – The use of UAVs can support emergency services in search and rescue operations. For example, dangers can be recognised from the air or people located in positions with poor visibility can be found. The aim of this project was to enable such missions under BVLOS (Beyond Visual Line of Sight) conditions using a 5G mobile network […]

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Research Results, Research Results
18.07.2024 11:07

“Swarm Init”

Technical project report “Swarm Init” – In this project, a drone from Lakeside Labs (LSL) was integrated into the infrastructure of the drone hall at the University of Klagenfurt (AAU). Previously, LSL drones could only be used for outdoor flights with GPS support. This project has made it possible for LSL drones to support other types of localisations. AAU’s drone hall offers an OptiTrack motion capture system […]

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Research Results, Research Results
18.07.2024 09:07

Contribution to the project “ADACORSA” (Airborne Data Collection on Resilient System Architectures)

Project-no. 9.902.60009 In the course of the ADACORSA project (, a joint validation exercise involving Frequentis, Infineon and AIRlabs was taking place in 2023. For the purpose of executing the End-to-End Validation with Real Flights in Austria (Oberwölz), with the support of AIRlabs, there was a SORA by the Austrian Air Navigation Service provider (ANSP) […]

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Research Results
07.07.2023 09:07

Wastewater treatment plant – orthophotos for flow analysis

Project number: 9.902.60006 Involved cooperation partners: Holding Graz FH JOANNEUM | University of Applied Sciences AIRlabs Austria Project Description/Methods: The project involves flying over the secondary settling tanks with an “open” category drone (in the control zone of Graz Airport) and taking orthophotos of all 4 settling tanks in order to test the applicability of such […]

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Research Results
23.02.2023 11:02

Icing tests to determine the collection efficiency of test objects in the FH JOANNEUM IWT (Icing Wind Tunnel)

Project number: 5.507.20002 Involved cooperation partners: RTA Rail Tec Arsenal FH JOANNEUM | University of Applied Sciences AIRlabs Austria Project Description/Methods: One focus for further development of icing possibilities for analyses in the Vienna Climatic Wind Tunnel is on the target group of multicopter and drones. In this context, liquid water content calibration is essential […]

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Research Results
16.01.2023 12:01


Project number: 2.3201 (Knowledge building project) Involved cooperation partners: FH JOANNEUM | University of Applied Sciences AIRlabs Austria Project Description/Methods: The overall objective of this project is to investigate how UAS can support archaeological excavations in a meaningful way. What sensors are needed to detect structures – some of which are buried in the ground […]

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Research Results
13.01.2023 16:01

Introducing low-threshold access to icing experiments in the RTA climatic wind tunnel with a multiuser approach

Project numbers: 5.509.20001, 5.509.20002, 5.509.20003 Involved cooperation partners: RTA Rail Tec Arsenal FH JOANNEUM | University of Applied Sciences FACC AG AIRlabs Austria Project Description/Methods: Many technological research challenges for drones, e.g. all-weather capability and countermeasures for icing, can currently only be addressed experimentally in complex and expensive infrastructures; due to the international importance of the […]

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Research Results
03.10.2022 09:10

Drones as first responders – How emergency services can be supported in the future

Project number: 5.502.20001 (Presentation/test of self-sufficient hangar) Involved cooperation partners: Frequentis AG APB Corporation GmbH AIRlabs Austria GmbH Project Description/Methods: MCX- (Mission Critical Broadband Communications, e.g. for MCPTT via 5G) form the likely future of mission critical BOS networks based on 4G-/5G technology after the current Tetra standard. It enables the existing public authority radio […]

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Research Results
05.07.2022 13:07

Detection of cooperative drones in the course of „Save Aviation Tyrol“

Project number: 6.604.30001 & 6.605.30001 (Test flights for „SafeAviationTyrol“) Involved cooperation partners: World-Direct eBusiness solutions GmbH Twins GmbH AIRlabs Austria GmbH Project description/methods: The project “SafeAviationTyrol” deals with practicable and quickly applicable solutions for the safety issues associated with drones. These include:a) the localisation of drones and aircraft close to the ground,b) the avoidance of […]

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Research Results
17.05.2022 15:05

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